I was cooking Iga Penyet (beef spare ribs) last week..
I miss this Indonesian food..
Here is the receipt
- good quality beef ribs (4 pcs)
the flavor for the ribs:
- 2 tsp coriander (grind) - 2 sendok teh ketumbar, haluskan
- 2 tsp galangel (grind) - 2 sendok teh laos, haluskan
- 3 bay leaves - 3 lembar daun salam
- 1 pcs of lemon grass - 1 daun sereh, remas potong menjadi kecil
- 2 cloves garlic, chop - 2 siung bawang putih, potong kecil
- 1 tsp palm sugar - 1 sendok teh gula merah
- 1 tbs sweet soy sauce - 1 sendok makan kecap manis
- 1 tsp salt - 1 sendok teh garam
- 1 tsp sugar - 1 sendok teh gula
- 250 cc water - 250 cc air
- oil - minyak
*boiled the ribs with all of this ingredients until there is no water anymore and until the ribs soft (approx 1.5 hours)
- rebus iga sapi dengan semua bumbu diatas sampai airnya habis dan iganya empuk (kira kira 1.5 jam)
*after soften, fried the ribs in the hot oil until crispy.
- setelah empuk, goreng iga sapi dengan minyak panas sampai kecoklatan.
the chillies - sambal:
- 5 chillies (depends on how hot do you want?) - 5 cabe (tergantung selera pedas?)
- 1 tsp balacan (shrimp paste) - 1 sendok teh terasi
- 2 cloves shallots, chop - 2 siung bawang merah, potong kecil
- 2 cloves garlic, chop - 2 siung bawang putih, potong kecil
- 1 tomatoes, chop into 6 - 1 tomat, dipotong menjadi 6 bagian
- salt
- sugar
- oil
*fried all of the ingredients until brown, stir during its fried.
-goreng semua bumbu di atas, aduk pada saat digoreng. Kalau ingin halus, hasil gorengan bisa di ulek.
When the sambal and the ribs all finish, press the sambal to the ribs, and eat them with hot jasmine rice..
happy cooking!
* English
- Indonesian
1 comment:
ini sih enak bgt lho ke.. tapi bau daging kagk? lo tau sendiri di oz bau dagingnya kenceng bgt, hehe
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